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If you want to know how to:

  • Actually get your butt in your chair and make the magic happen
  • Harness the power of doppelgängers to get things done twice as fast
  • Use ritual to energize you and protect your writing time
  • Find inspiration, even when you don't feel inspired
  • Work with your beautiful brain instead of against it
  • Get. Things. Done. Without succumbing to toxic positivity or bro productivity

This free, 5-episode private podcast is for you!

Tell us if this sounds familiar...

There’s an idea burning in your chest that’s dying to get on the page.

A story. A poem cycle. A book. A dissertation.

You can practically taste it - it feels so alive in your mind, and you’ve been thinking about it for months. Maybe years.

But you haven’t started sketching it out in your embossed leather-bound notebook because what if you don’t have it all figured out yet and your uncertainty wrecks those pristine pages? 

You don’t know where to start or how to start.

Or you’ve started 17 times but you don’t know how to keep going, how to keep the words flowing, how to get yourself back into your chair day after day until the thing is done.

Hi! We’re Drs. Sara Cleto and Brittany Warman. Between us, we live with a truly expansive smorgasbord of chronic illness and disabilities, and we don’t get up at 5am to manifest our dreams. 

But we are really, really good at having a wild idea, figuring out how to make it happen, and then actually doing the writing until that idea is real and on the page and out in the world.

We’ve dreamt up and then created: two masters theses, two dissertations, a business (you would not believe how much writing that entails), a fully scripted tv series, and more than 150 published articles, reviews, poems, and short stories.

People ask us all the time how we do it... and we’re going to tell you in our private podcast Write Like a Witch

Also? It's 100% free.

Let's get you writing!


Hey wait, who's behind this?

Hi! We’re Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman. We’re award-winning folklorists, teachers, and writers with a combined 22 years of teaching experience and over 150 publications. Together, we founded The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, where we teach creative souls how to re-enchant their lives through folklore and fairy tales.

Our work has appeared in such places as Uncanny Magazine, Enchanted Living, Strange Horizons, Corvid Queen, Mythic Delirium, Goblin Fruit, Liminality, The Fairy-Tale Magazine, Through the Gate, and many, many more!

We’re also devoted cat minions, obsessed with chai, and 100% B.F.F.s of more than a decade. We love red lipstick, decadent Gothic novels, and totally crush “Total Eclipse of the Heart” at karaoke.